Black Lotus (2023)
Rico stop embarrassing yo
7 May 2023
Everyone involved in.cinema productions should stop granting main characters roles to famous persons (nationally) especially grunts like Rico, who lack charisma , and acting skills in general are a complete waste of time, energy and effort. (Next time I would. Invite the investors to help the poor instead of throwing away money in this fashio \I have seen Rico 'act' several times now and every time i Truly wonder if he is completely detached from reality in believing he could ever be taken seriously as an actor let alone his dreams. Of acting in Hollywood blockbusters (as a corps perhaps 100% chance he as to remember zero lines , either he likes to make a fool of himself or he has a wager to become the most decorated rotten tomatoes winner in all history on a global scale! If he would have auditioned for this role an he wasn't - famous in NL than e would never ever been awarded a lead role let alone any role.

Rico is a one dimensional Z-actor and need to be preached by a good friend to stop before he will become the laughing stock of real actors and Rico acting capabilities will be - stock footage - used in stand up comedy. Even the trailer indicates that Rico has a - paper lead role otherwise his footage in the trailer would be more than showed to the audiiece hopefully if - video land - Dutch streaming service will buy - or get it for free perhaps - as part of their new collection , they should add a full hour of blooper reel filled with Rico forgetting the 6 words he had to remember in the 5 to 7 scenes he had to do more than - looking into the distance and being silent (those are actually his best scenes ). Avoid this movie unless you like wasting your time and money.
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