Breakers (2019– )
Surprisingly okay watch
7 May 2023
This is another one of those shows you've never heard of then stumble on it by accident on Prime. They can be really hit and miss, to the point I've stopped watching many before episode 1 is done.

This one did something unexpected. Despite obvious low(ish) budget production values - they're hard to deny - the story was genuinely immediately interesting. I wanted to see what happened next. The lead actor James DeWitt is an absolute unknown to me, but I found him very endearing. He is for the most part very deadpan and unemotional. This could just be a lack of acting range but it really suited this character perfectly so I'm going to be kind and really rate him. And I honestly felt the production got increasingly better as the episodes progressed.

Ten episodes was just the right side of stretching it. They could probably have got away with 8 but it definitely benefited from TV form rather than a rushed movie. Be warned though, it is a 'stuck in a time loop' story so it gets increasingly confusing towards the end as you try to remember what has and has not happened. Not a show to watch if you're only half paying attention.

Overall this is not a big commitment in terms of time and well worth a watch. It does a sci-fi repeated time story without the deep science of something like Looper. And it touches on some religious vibes without the heaviness of something like Left Behind.
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