Still worth watching
6 May 2023
This was the first book by Ray Bradbury which I read, more than 40 years ago, and I immediately fell in love with it and the author. Since then, I read everything by Ray Bradbury I could get a hold on, first in German, and later in English. You can imagine in how dear a memory I hold the first book, it still is one of my favourite, not only by the author, but by many other books I read since then.

I saw the film version of the book maybe 20 years later, and I found it quite a mixed bag, sad of course, and still something sparkles... Where should I begin? You know the back story from IMDB, so I concentrate on my personal impressions.

The actors: Jonathan Price is perfect. He was the best choice of the cast, period. Jason Robards is very good, and since Bradbury loved him, I will not challenge it. Pam Grier is great, wish she would be more present though. The boys are definitely the weak spot, both of them. But the blond one especially, he looks too much like out of a children's program. And strangely, both boys look younger then 12 years, which makes them even more unconvincing.

The look: The film changes between almost horror and corny autumn scenes. The beginning is great and you can't wait for the story to unfold, but when the Indian summer scenes come on, you have to whine, and they don't get any better, just worse. And when the village gets into view you can bet this is not real, the colours are too much and the sky looks like matte painting.

The story: I would not say that most of the original story has been changed, but many of the stronger moments appear to be shortened, or watered down. The great exception is the scene in the library, there you can feel the strength of the book. But the ending is a little weak, and the special effects look cheap and added in after the film flopped at the previews.

The film is not at all bad, I just wish it would be much better!
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