Is this really happening?
5 May 2023
Movies can entertain, they can invoke new ideas and sometimes they can bring about change. Change of thought process, change of perspective etc. This is a movie that changes your perception of the world we live in, especially if you don't know what sort of things are happening around us hidden in plain sight.

This is a movie which is difficult to watch. Not because it is not well made, but because it shows the stark-naked truth in such a simple and devastating manner. Things that happen to the women in this film which is based on real life incidents are not for the weak of stomach. But it's the reality we live in and most would find it convenient to ignore the truth rather than confront it.

As a film, the cinematography is good, the camera work is organic and not overly dramatic. There are some dramatic shots, but those are needed to set the tone of the film. The look and feel of the film seem more real than fictional. This movie feels very authentic in its tonality and stands apart from typical Bollywood films like Kabul Express, Fanaa or Kurbaan.

The narrative of the film is nonlinear. It follows roughly three different timelines of the same person. First one of her being in college, another of her in Afghanistan and the last one of her incarcerated at an UN detention camp. The scenes flow mostly seamlessly from one timeline to the other. Sometimes the shift in tonality from a happy and positive interaction in the past to a rather bleak and grim present is done intentionally to jar the audience and shake them from their slumber (figuratively speaking) of believing all is right in the world just because they can't see such things happening in front of them.

All the songs in the film are either used in montage scenes or in the background. There is no waste of time entertainment dance numbers or anything overtly filmi when it comes to the music. The background score is used sparingly but is effective.

Overall: As a film, this is a very tragic subject matter. It's hard to make it through the movie without some sort of emotional reaction, be it sadness, depression or sheer anger. The movie is meant to evoke such reactions. That's what showing the truth as plainly as possible does to the masses. So be warned, this is a film that is hard hitting and not a fun time pass sort of watch. Don't go in with a bunch of friends expecting to have a good time.

Go see it with friends and family to open their eyes on what is going on and what might happen to someone they know and love if we as a society don't hold the people doing such inhuman acts accountable for their actions. This is a film that every Indian needs to see. Its an absolute must watch.

Rating: 7.5/10.

Conclusion: There are no negatives as such in the film, but maybe due to censor board, scenes that are showing the conversion to radical thought process did feel a bit truncated. Some moments of the film could have lingered a tad bit more to hammer the point home. But those are minor gripes in an otherwise well-made film about a very tragic and intense subject matter.
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