Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Alternate (1994)
Season 2, Episode 12
"Let's rip this historical monument outta the ground and take it with us."
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was the biggest miss for me in this entire episode. With all of the holo-technology they have available, all they needed to do was take a holo-image then they could've recreated the obelisk back at DS9.

Instead, Dax casually suggests they rip it out of the ground and take it along. Seriously? What if some random scientist came along Stonehenge and decided to just "take a couple of stones" to study?

It's so crass and.irreverent. Very un-Starfleet.

Not only that, but immediately after they beam the obelisk off the planet, some sort of eruption or earthquake starts, and not one of them thought to beam the obelisk back to the planet. I would think that'd be the first thing that crossed their minds, but of course it's never mentioned in the episode at all. Just that some gasses escaped and were more harmful to the Bajorans than anyone else. Except some really weird stuff starts happening with Odo.

And that's where the episode continues. We see some cool CGI of the day, and great acting, as always, by Rene Auberjonois, but nothing more of his origins, which it seemed like that was where the épisode was going when it began.

Instead we learn more about Odo's recent history, when he was discovered by the Bajorans and began being studied by Dr. Mora. And we learn a lot about their history, and Odo's love/hate relationship with Mora. It is quite like a father/son episode where they work thru their grievances.

It wasn't a bad episode, just not great. Some inconsistent writing, really great acting, but for me the biggest miss was the scene with the obelisk. I just can't see that being something they would do. It's one thing to bring Bajoran monuments or Orbs onto the Station, because Sisko is the Prophet and they're working with Bajor, in most épisodes. But that wasn't the case here, and it seems a big oversight by the writers.
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