Three Muscats & Dart
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: really good take on d'Artagnan, Louis's even more creepy than usual, awesome fighting scenes, beautifull cinematography.

Cons: old Athos looking old, Milady menacingly smoking her pipe, plot? What plot?

Meh: Aramis looking like a scarecrow, boring Richelieu, where did Porthos go?

Still, the movie is good & enjoyable. It could be just a bit better.

Somewhere along the Reine, during long months of preparations, fighting & fencing lessons, the plot was lost. If found, please, send it to the director of the movie. There's still time to improve the second part.

Anyway, I know what to do to enjoy the next part more. I will be prepared.

And remember: All for one! And one for all!
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