Review of Rollover

Rollover (1981)
tiresome finance talk
2 May 2023
The Chairman and main shareholder of Winterchem Enterprises is murdered presumably by a burglar. His widow Lee Winters (Jane Fonda) takes over his position. Bank chairman Maxwell Emery (Hume Cronyn) appoints troubleshooter Hubbell Smith (Kris Kristofferson) as the new President to uncover its true finances. The bank is in trouble and needs Winterchem to borrow a lot of cash so that it results in a giant commission.

The financial expositions are confounding. I barely understand it all. I get the main points, but all the financing talk is a drag. The movie can't gain any momentum if the audience is struggling to understand the plot. Mostly, this is very tiresome and the movie becomes very boring. The romance seem to come out of nowhere. I'm left wondering if it's there only to add spice to a very bland offering. I'm desperately waiting for more murders.
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