Sam - A Saxon (2023)
Wieso der Darsteller?
29 April 2023
Why is the main actor so freaking huge? I met the real Samuel Meffire, and he's not that big or nearly as build as him.

There is this huge time jump, where they actually say, all Sam does now is train, but you see practically no difference between the Sam from 2 before that to this one. He looks just as ripped.

The fact that he was so super ripped in the beginning of the series made it hard to feel sorry for him. I'm not saying a big guy can't get pushed around, but the actor played this timid, stuttering guy where the look and what he was playing just didn't work well together. Sorry.

In episode 3 where he actually is supposed to be a strong and tough guy it starts making sense, I wish the actor would have been more disciplined and would have gone the extra mile to show us a physical difference between "early getting pushed around Sam" and late "I can beat anybody in a fight Sam."
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