Familiar Yet Fresh
29 April 2023
Evil Dead Rise is Evil Dead without Bruce Campbell. That sounds like something destined for failure but it was actually pretty good.

Evil Dead Rise plays a lot like the first Evil Dead movie. A cast of characters slowly becoming demonic deadites one by one. Getting killed in horrific ways and a sole survivor. The real difference is the setting and the tone. The first Evil Dead takes place out in the woods and has a oddly goofy tone to the film, whereas Evil Dead Rise's tone is similar to a blumhouse film. These differences don't take away from the film but help give it it's own style while still feeling familiar.

Really the characters are just there to be slaughtered and they're not super interesting by any means but they definitely weren't bad either. Evil Dead Rise's real strength is in the clever creepy moments it adds that slowly build-up. I really can't describe them specifically without spoiling them, so let me describe them like this:

Remember in Silent Hill when Henry tries to make a call with a phone before realizing the wire's been cut but as he walks away it begins ringing? Maybe not, but it illustrates my point either way. Small creepy moments that take time to build in your head. None of them will make you jump out of your seat but they will make your skin crawl.

That's the kind of horror movie this is. Not jumpscares nor terrifying moments, but some good skin-crawling moments.
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