Richard Marx: Hazard (1992 Music Video)
No Escape
28 April 2023
I'm not clear on when IMDb started listing music videos, but it makes sense. They're short, but feature much of the same elements as film & TV. The music industry saw them as another avenue for marketing. To promote artists and sell albums, but they're an entertaining medium unto themselves.

'Hazard' from Richard Marx is not only a good 'story' song, but made for a great music video allowing for further detail. To this day people on websites and message boards still discuss the potential meaning and who the killer is. There are many points left up to interpretation.

  • The boy's relationship to his parents. Did his mom have an affair? Is that why his father left or did he simply abandon them?

  • Did the boy burn down the family house killing his mother? Is that partly why the townsfolk label / mistreat him?

  • What exactly is his relationship with Mary (Renee Parent)? Did she cheat on him?

  • The scarf (figuratively and literally).

  • The correlation between Mary & his mother. Their similar appearances.

  • The symbolism of the river. Marx's hair cutting. More symbolism when his trailer is burnt down by the townsfolk.

  • Why is the sheriff (Robert Conrad) taking so much interest? What do we make of him following in his car? The photos?

If you discount Marx, the sheriff or another lover of Mary as being the murderer - the theories become wilder. I've read people thinking his mother set him up. Others believe Mary might have committed suicide solo or as part of a pact with Marx to "escape this town". There's even a second version of this video available with different dialogue that supports this suicide idea.

I see things much simpler, but I'm still torn. Either he's damaged and a killer or life has continued to give him a raw deal.

A very sombre song that Richard Marx publicly stated he didn't think would become successful but ended up being very popular. Striking a chord with many people including me. There's obviously some hurt and betrayal beneath the words & imagery beyond possible murder. A fine song from Marx's 1991 album 'Rush Street' and a very fine video.
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