Review of Citadel

Citadel (2023– )
We're not this ignorant.....
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
But Hollywood seems to think otherwise.

They kind of "lost me" in the beginning when the 2 series leads were riding on a high speed train thru the Dolomites when, low and behold, a firebomb goes off just 20 feet from them and their rail car, engulfed in flames, plummets off a 70 foot bridge and crashes into a creekbed.....MIRACULOUSLY, they both survive with mere scratches and NO BURNS......everyone else, of course, was killed because it would be impossible to survive the firebomb in their faces inside a speeding bullet, let alone then crashing off a bridge while having no restraints inside the inferno that was traveling at around 160 mph before impact.

DUH.....I can't wait for their next insult!!!!!
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