Review of Free

Desperate Housewives: Free (2008)
Season 4, Episode 17
I rest my case, season 4 is « overrated ».
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the tornado episode, the show was back to season 3 cringe, with characters being awful to each other, and some like Bree. Being insufferable self righteous trolls. Did writers forgot all her past lies and deceptions? Just because Orson did something awful to someone she's close to, doesn't mean it's more punishable than what she and her family did in the past. And even though Eddie is not my favorite character, I thought it was hypocritical of the « housewives » shunning her, for blackmailing Bree. Again, how many times did she or her friends, resorted to that, to cover their own tracks? To me season 4 made the leads dwell in double standards so much, it ruined most of its appeal. When not even the humor could excuse the bad characterizations anymore. Free, is a fitting title for an episode closing one of the most over the top, and unnecessarily dramatic mystery so far. Katherine needed to escape her violent ex husband, no denying that. But why did she adopt a little girl, after her own daughter died. In case he comes back? I think they were past all of that... At least it created a sort of buildup to that finale reveal, but it's the first time the false pretenses look so unnecessary, on this show. Why wasn't Dylan's recurring nightmares, mentioned again? And the fact that Bree became another hostage, was too reminiscent of season 1 finale. I loved how Adam saved the day, and Katherine finally getting closure. But everything regarding the mystery throughout the season, look too complex for something that wasn't. And as far as I'm concerned, Gabby's showdown with the drug dealer, was the part I was expecting the most. This also clearly applies to me, but I love that last minute five years flash forward. It gave the show the opportunity to « bounce back » and look exciting and new again. Like it did on OTH a year earlier. And season 5 is better in a lot of ways too. The writing redeemed characters I couldn't stand anymore, and the show was slick and intriguing again.
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