slightly off comedy thriller
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was definitely worth watching. Its dark humour chills at times but it is genuinely funny. However, I found the story rather laboured and unconvincing. Tonally it felt slightly off. The humour run at a different direction from the story which became over convoluted and yes unreasonable!

Many structural issues annoyed me. Why did we suddenly change point of view to discover Jen's? Jen's story wasn't fully developed and didn't really go anywhere. There were too many questions unanswered. It was confusing because I expected her to have a more significant role. So she meets Dan, Nic's husband on a tinder date? It wasn't enough. The unravelling of her antics felt too quick and convenient. And then why did she buy the same coat as Nic?

For me the whole story was too large, without room to develop. For instance Alex, the brother, doesn't ever really appear that interesting. Why would Nic be so captivated by him?

It felt as if the story was hemmed in, conscious that it was a comedy and not really able to lift itself into the dark realms of the thriller it was trying to be. I think that had the series had an hour for each episode to play with rather than the paltry 30 mins it might well have been better.
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