Not a story. A string of pathological metaphors.
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Artistic styles come in two basic forms. You have your more lifelike art, which is meant to capture a moment in time through the imagination of the artist. The other is abstract art, wherein an artist has no intention of spoon-fooding you what to think, but is hoping to manipulate your feelings.

And it's not binary. Most art falls into a spectrum somewhere in between those two extremes.

If you've ever seen a David Lynch production like Eraserhead you'll recognize the abstract side of that spectrum, because you'll realize the futility of sorting out an actual plot. David Lynch, like sometimes directors David Cronenberg (Videodrome, eXistenZ, etc) and Terry Gilliam (Brazil, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, etc) or writers like Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, etc), confuses reality on purpose and likes characters who roll with it, so that you have no choice but to roll with them. They have no intention of making sense. Their movies are often an attempt to throw off your sense of reality and ask you to simply except what you're seeing instead of try to understand it.

Beau Is Afraid falls into that category, but nonetheless, I'm going to try to understand it anyway.

This movie spends its entire time inside the mind of a man who clearly suffers from extreme anxiety, but it's hard to pin down what exactly it is that he's afraid of. And unlike movies like David Cronenberg's Naked Lunch, we're offered no obvious reason why Beau is seeing some of the weird things he sees. Is he schizophrenic? Maybe. Ari Aster does not want to answer that question, he wants you to ponder on multiple possibilities. And like most art that leans on the abstract side of the spectrum, each viewer is likely to reflect differently on it, and come up with their own answers (if any at all).

From what I could tell, there were many clues in the movie that seem to imply that his anxiety disorder is caused by something sexual. A sexual trauma, perhaps. From graphic graffiti at in the earlier sequences, scenes where he is attracted to a girl his age but believes he will die if he has sex with her, and a creature his mother calls "his father" locked in an attic that is basically a monster made out of male genitalia, the movie is riddled with disturbing sexual references. (Not unlike something Cronenberg would do.)

And his mother seems to be at the center of this problem. He behaves in a way that is constantly befuddled, and apparently victimized by every possible circumstance he stumbles into, but it all seems to have something to do with the way his mother treats him. Each sequence of the movie is another angle at the same problem, but in very different ways, and with perhaps red herrings to throw you off the scent.

In one very key shot, apparently a flashback, there was a POV scene of him in a bathtub and the young girl he has a crush on is sitting at the side of the tub, she gets up and exits the frame, but the camera pans over to see his mother entering the frame from the same direction - and approaching his young self. (He is effectively outside of himself observing his relationship with his mother.) His mother tries to remove his clothes for bath time and he resists, asking for his father. (It's not clear why he wants his father. Certainly not to undress him. My feeling is it was for protection. Why would a boy his age need to be undressed by his mother?)

The reason I think this is important is because I think the director is signaling to us that his mother might have sexually abused him through much of his childhood, and lied to him about his father and about his own sexual health in order to keep him tethered.

But yet there was an earlier scene wherein he was imagining himself in a play where he actually found a wife and had kids with her, and occasionally this wife looked like a man. (This man, we learn later, is identified as Beau's father.) Beau spends an entire lifetime in this staged story looking for his lost wife and kids (who had disappeared after a terrible flood) and finally he meets up with his sons all grown up. That this was framed as a stage play is no accident. It was an imagined reality.

Something about all that makes me think he had an intuition of being lied to all his life, and that his father represented the truth: that he could have a family all along. But we don't know what really happened to his father, and whether the man he met at the traveling theater was even real. Either way, his mother was very mean and impatient with him, and manipulative. She did not seem to approve of his natural interest in girls, and even seemed to enjoy watching him flirt with the idea of being with girls to see how it would play out.

It was she who frightened him into a life-long resistance to find love in the arms of another woman. When he finally broke down and at least believed he had intercourse with that childhood crush, now grown up and played by Parker Posy, and did not die, we learn that his mother apparently observed (and probably set up) the entire thing. When the girl died (at least figuratively), his problem shifted from having fears of himself dying to a feeling of terrible guilt for "killing" the woman he loves - a role which I think his mother insists on filling.

The final sequence was his trial, but unfortunately there was no redemption to be found here. Disappointingly, it appears he symbolically lost his battle with anxiety, false-guilt and low self esteem, and his mother won. No payoff to be found for the poor audience, who has sat through 3 full hours of this!

All in all, I would have rated it higher if the film was about 1 hour shorter and his long, painful journey of self discovery and failure to stop the pattern of "self incrimination" and "guilt" due to probably sexual abuse was rewarded at the end with something happier, something psychologically triumphant. But it wasn't. It was like watching someone die of cancer and then die without fixing anything in his life. So why was I taken on this ride into hopelessness? It's not like Phoenix's Joker character which was a portrayal of a man who chose evil due as a response to his unfortunate medical condition and the cruelty of life. The character of Beau went absolutely nowhere and changed nothing. He just learned the truth about himself, and his mind judged him guilty despite all that.

The movie is labeled a comedy and a horror, which is not quite accurate. It was satirical in many places, perhaps intending sarcasm about the violent world we live in. But it was neither that funny nor that scary. I'd have simply called it a psychological drama and satire.

Phoenix is an absolutely amazing actor, but I would have advised him to take another look at the third act and insist on a stronger payoff.
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