CGI 3D demon-mass, burries the franchise!
22 April 2023
Oh yeah... this movie was not great! It was probably closer to being the absolut worst! In that case i am gonna be honest and sau the only good Paranormal activity movie, is the first one! 2 and 3 are watchable and the rest are either insulting or embarrising, including this one!

The story and plot is nonsens and boring as it tries to connect this movie with the third! Characters move into the house, watches a tape from the third movie and then portal opens.. ot something! Idk.. movie does not explain so I can't either! Characters are also flat and lifeless!

The movie though commits the ultimative sin by showing us the demon in his full form! This eliminates all horror as the demon is a floating black mass of bad CGI with 3D effects! It really pulls you out! The first movie was great cause it was realistic! No effects or anything! This movie though has a lot of CGI effects!

This is just a cheap horror movie found footage style! No where near anything good about the first movie!
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