Chimp Empire (2023)
Game of Thrones, but better
22 April 2023
I've never seen anything like this.

Animal documentaries, especially African animal films have become commonplace and frankly rather predictable. But Chimp Empire is something new. This four-episode series is like watching Game of Thrones on a more intimate and intense scale. Much of the credit goes to the cinematographers who have managed a vital technique. Somehow they have brought us so close into this Ugandan chimp tribe the we can see every facial expression, look into every eye and recognize all of the players. Like humans, they play subtle politics, make war, care for children and kill enemies. Narrator Mahershala Ali weaves the power struggles of these personalities so subtly that he manages to amplify the power of jaw-dropping scenes.

I don't know how they did it, but I'll be watching all four episodes.
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