Review of The Glory

The Glory (2022– )
22 April 2023
Maybe because I had such high expectations?

Revenge stories are not my fav, admitedly. But I still sort of liked "Again My Life" and "Itaewon Class" is my second favourite drama of all times.

So... Let's begin with what I liked.

The lady who was beaten by her husband. She may be the reason why I managed to watch to the end. Her acting was decent while her character was rather realistic. She was also fun and warm.

Ye-Sol's father. The actor was handsome and his character was classy to the very end. The bits of romance he brought were the only ones that made my heart flutter.

I also liked the tiny twist in the end, the reason the villainess will get a little more than what she was sentenced with. Not enough though.

What I didn't like.

The music. Dull. Discrepant. Useless. When it should have been there to enhance emotions, it only blurred them.

The acting. OMG. Is this a joke? The villains were caricatures. I mean, evil laughs, crazy laughs, lustful looks, nasty glances, yelling, swearing and throwing things across the room. That's it. I couldn't even hate or resent them. They didn't feel like real people.

SHK was beautiful of course, as ever. But so lifeless. She looked like a zombie. Not even a brain-craving zombie. Just a corpse walking about. No purpose. No energy, no presence, let alone charisma. With everything her charater went through, I couldn't feel for her. I never even shed a tear or felt my heart tighten for her. I didn't care. Her revenge itself was a mess, a combination of artificial luck and coincidences. Basically, she threw meat at a pack of wolves and waited for them to rip each other's throats. Good idea, but her character was too weak to stand out in the fight, even as a triumphant spectator.

I remember Park Seo-Jun in Itaewon Class. The burning rage, the relentless hatred, the drive. He looked like a super nova.

On the contrary, SHK looked like a cold rock... I realize hers is a character who is supposed to be broken, dead even if still walking, an empty vessel whose soul was simply erased. I think this is what the director was looking achieve and he succeeded, but as a result, I couldn't relate to the victim. I felt no sympathy for her. A mere rock. Not even a blade.

Come to think about it, I wouldn' say SHK is a great actress. I love her looks but I noticed more than once how rigid her acting could be. In "Encounter" she was already this cold and lifeless. Again, I blamed it on the character. I'm not so sure now. She was exactly the same in "That Winter The WInd Blows". Maybe better in "The Full House?"

At any rate. This show was so and so. No real flaws. Worth watching (not sure why), but nothing special.

Ah. If there is a third season. I won't watch. Not that there is anything to ruin. Just... Not interested.
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