Beautiful scenery but the plot is boring
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on Netflix with high expectations since I like Rachael Leigh Cook and am interested in Vietnam. However, I was disappointed by the clichéd and predictable story, the lack of chemistry between the leads, and the superficial portrayal of the culture and people of Vietnam.

The movie follows Amanda Riley (Cook), an executive who goes through an unexpected breakup and then accepts an assignment to go undercover and learn about the tourist industry in Vietnam. There, she meets Sinh (Scott Ly), a charming and handsome tour guide who shows her around the country and helps her rediscover herself and love.

The premise sounds promising, but the execution could be more exciting and formulaic. The movie relies on stereotypes and tropes, such as the uptight workaholic who needs to loosen up, the exotic and mysterious foreigner who teaches her how to live, the quirky and supportive best friend, the evil and greedy boss, etc. The plot is full of coincidences and contrivances, such as Amanda conveniently running into Sinh everywhere she goes or Sinh conveniently having a connection to her boss. The dialogue is cheesy and unrealistic, especially the romantic lines that Sinh delivers with a heavy accent.

The movie also needs to capture the beauty and diversity of Vietnam. The scenery is stunning, but it feels like a backdrop for Amanda's personal journey rather than a living and breathing place. The movie only shows a few tourist attractions, such as Ha Long Bay, Hanoi, or Ho Chi Minh City, but does not explore the country's history, culture, or politics. The Vietnamese characters are either stereotypes, such as the wise and friendly auntie or uncle, or plot devices, such as the durian vendor or the shop owner. The movie does not address any social or environmental issues affecting Vietnam, such as poverty, pollution, or human trafficking.

Overall, I was bored and frustrated by this movie. It had the potential to be a fun and enlightening romantic comedy, but it could have done better with a more varied story. I give it 6/10 for the scenery and Rachael Leigh Cook's performance. However, I do not recommend it to anyone who wants to see a realistic and respectful depiction of Vietnam or a genuine and engaging romance.
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