Fly Away with Me (2022 TV Movie)
Clumsy delivery
21 April 2023
6.4 stars.

Angie has a very promising career in the TV commercial business but has always wanted to write movie scripts. Ted is an air traffic controller but has always wanted to be a pilot. She moves in next to Ted and eventually they meet and share awkward attraction, and forced dialogue. There is little to zero chemistry between them. They have a common foe which is the landlord's daughter Gineen, who is very attracted to Ted and wants to find any way to evict Angie, because she can sense that Ted is somewhat attracted to Angie. Both Angie and Ted are hiding pets in their apartments which is an eviction offense.

This movie has potential, so much potential, and it's wasted from the get-go. The main plot, which is probably the romance, is blurred by a few side plots, like having pets, and her relationship with her boss Kyle is in question...are they dating, not dating? The doorman side plot is only brushed upon, but is the most intriguing and entertaining of all. We don't get to see anything personal about Ted except for the dog. This movie focuses a lot on Angie's parrot, but it's a totally unsatisfying plot line. Is she an animal lover, or not, what will happen with the bird, what about all the words this bird can say, will Angie piece them together to figure our who the true owner is? It's a very scattered and disorganized set of circumstances.

Therefore: 'Fly Away with Me' is a jumbled mess that totally dropped the ball.

Both actors are really adept at expressing emotions except for one: passion for each other. The best part of this film is the doorman Louis. I have added 2/10 of star for the fact of his existence in this movie. 6.2 stars becomes 6.4. Almost enough to round up to 7.
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