an adrenalized, bloody-knuckled admixture of 'Rise of The Footsoldier' & 'Harry Brown'.
20 April 2023
This rewardingly bellicose, Thug-Tastic British gangland thriller is an adrenalized, bloody-knuckled admixture of 'Rise of The Footsoldier' & 'Harry Brown'. When feral, drug-peddling, recklessly razor-slashing horror hoodies seek to annihilate legendary old school terrace titans 'The Guvnors', disgraced, Teflon-tough ex-top boy, Mitch (Doug Allen) reveals his fearsome reputation is well deserved! There's a nihilistic, Droog-like intensity to, Harley Sylvester's cruel, hate-fuelled, dead-eyed delinquency which proved eerily compelling. Gabe Turner's immensely watchable 'The Guvnors' is a polished, convincingly acted, exhilaratingly lively portrayal of the fractious internecine conflict between two rival inner city firms right to rule. While The Guvnor's greatest appeal will be to rabid Thugsploitation junkies, those individuals with a prurient interest in the dodgier denizens of London's more deprived suburbs certainly won't feel cheated.
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