Harvest Love (2017 TV Movie)
Myriad errors and clichés
20 April 2023
6.0 stars.

Errors are in abundance in 'Harvest Love', offending my movie ego. I took notes. The first is minuscule it's about the supposed farm house which is actually a palace and nobody occupies it most of the year? The next is when Luna (Lilley) is hogging the detour road and acting very entitled, has the audacity to tell Will (Paevey) who actually has the right of way, where he can put his truck (if you catch my drift). The detour road is more like a one lane dirt and grass path...unrealistic.

After they arrive at the palace home, Luna and Andy are walking the orchard and they see Will again and she mistakes him for a "pear thief". Really? She tells Andy to call the sheriff and gives him her phone. How does her 8 year old son know the sheriff's number? I assume this means 9-1-1? And then she grabs a twig as a weapon and walks up to Will and tells him to leave but it's obvious who he is, she just saw him an hour ago. Within a minute or so the sheriff arrives? Was the Sheriff one mile away when he received the call? Next error is when Will throws Andy a pear, it's obviously made of plastic. Next, when Andy picks up a pumpkin and yells at mom to look at what he's got...it's also plastic. We are only 17 minutes into the movie at this point...

The conversations are mundane, about selling the farm, and pears, and harvest moons, and fresh air...Will is as shady as they come skulking around the farm, locking doors, lurking and appearing out of nowhere, keeping secrets, acting strange, and with a sour attitude to boot. Luna (why that name?) is a strange person being a surgeon and all, she has this perma-grin (vintage Jen Lilly) but no heart, no personality. Little Andy is always haggard like they have to do a dozen takes to complete a scene, but he's a very solid young actor.

Not my cup of tea 'Harvest Love', full of cliché moments, frustrating interactions which I feel are strategically placed throughout to provoke a meh response. It's obvious Paevey was peevish about this role, he does not reciprocate her subtle advances and flirtations. This was one of the most derivative stories I've ever seen Hallmark produce. I am dumbfounded at the mind-numbing dreariness.
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