Probably as good as it'll get
19 April 2023
There's few things on earth as famous as Mario. A character whose very name is synonymous with video games. Just like the games, Mario is not thought-provoking but it is very enjoyable.

Super Mario Bros has never been known for it's deep story, and the same translates here. It's a lsekai story about Mario falling into the mushroom kingdom. Not that really any explanation is needed, as there's probably no one walking into the theater that hasn't not only heard but played Mario before. As such, the movie doesn't spend more time than it needs to explaining it's world. Things like Monkies driving karts? Those karts being able to drive on a rainbow? Or Mushrooms giving special powers? We don't need an explanation for any of this unless you're just pretending not to know what Mario Kart is.

Luckily, the movie doesn't try too hard to be something it's not. Mario is a very silly idea that's given a very silly story. It's about a plumber who has to stop a forced marriage between a princess of mushroom people and a giant turtle dragon. There is no way this concept could be taken seriously so it doesn't. The light goofy tone of the movie adds to the charm and is much better than if they tried to give a very complicated backstory to this world and these characters.

The voice actors are all pretty good as their characters (expect Seth Rogen, who just uses his regular voice that doesn't fit his character), but Jack Black as Bowser is the obvious best in show. I was also surprised by how good Keegan Michael-Key is as Toad. There's a lot of references to previous Mario media or Nintendo works but none of them feel forced or way too on the nose. They're subtle, just like references should be.

Super Mario Bros Movie is not by any means a masterpiece, but it's definitely fun.
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