The Mandalorian: Chapter 23: The Spies (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
Give it just a bit of thought and this episode is BAD
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There were a lot of things that just didn't make sense narratively in this episode.

Let's touch on the main one:

1) Paz Viszla's sacrifice. This man didn't even need to die. He single-handedly defeats an entire squadron of Baskar armored troopers... somehow. So what was keeping Bo-Katan and the others from backing him up? Oh, they were "trapped" you say. Well that leads to point 2.

2) Bo-Katan and the others being "trapped" by two doors when she could've sliced her and her teammates' way out of there at literally anytime she wanted using the Darksaber. Instead of cutting a hole in the opposite direction away from where Din and Paz were, it would have made way more sense for her to slice an opening on Paz Viszla's side so that she and her war party could have backed him up. The Praetorian Guard would have been overwhelmed no matter how well trained they were. The Mandalorians are a warrior people. Them running the opposite way when they were actually winning the fight just didn't make sense. The Mandos lost a few compared to the DOZENS the Empire were losing.

4) Moff Gideon and the baskar imperials weren't even a threat to the Mandalorians armed with blasters. The whole "oh, they're aiming for weak points and joints," is pretty moot, since Gideon is the sort of villain who would absolutely had his forces armed with baskar virboblades and spears, (which mandalorians consider blasphemous) and thus it wouldn't matter where the imperials landed a hit and thus it would have made them a threatening match to the Mandalorians.

5) The Mando warparty was still winning the fight against the imperials even with those imperials decked out in baskar, so why retreat after Din Djarrin was captured when they could have just went after him?

6) Din Djarrin being captured after being "cut off" from his team. He-llo, people! Bo-Katan has a literal lightsaber that could cut through the door and she could have done so a ANYTIME instead do stupidity shooting at it.

Like I said, the more you think about it, the more it makes less sense.
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