Jury Duty (2023)
Hilarious and Unique
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly let me say, the other review with the headline "American only" was almost definitely written by James Marsden haha.

As for the show I didn't know what to think going in, I had seen a random tweet that either was paid marketing or just lots of people agreeing with the original post, because there was no negatives about the show in almost 50 replies. That peeked my curiosity and I decided to give it a chance. I think the fact it can be viewed for free makes it more approachable as the premise didn't fully draw me in.

I watched the first episode and spent most of the time trying to decide if the "real person" was actually in on it as well, but he would have to be a REAL good actor to pull off what happens in the remaining episodes. Episode 2 didn't really hook me fully to be honest and I wasn't sure if it was something that could keep my attention. I'm glad I came back for episode 3.

The show begins to ramp up the ridiculousness each episode so that by episode 6 (where I've currently watched to) you spend most of the time just laughing at how the real person (Ronald) is just going along with all the craziness and weirdness. From a guy toppling over a full cabinet and getting medically removed, to a weird guy who wears crutches as a seat, to what is probably one of the most bizarre and funniest parts, a man and woman wanting to "have a good time" but instead of thrusting they want someone to jump up and down in the bed.

At that point I'm thinking to myself, how does Ronald (The only one who's not an actor) believe this is actually real, but I think the fact it's his first jury duty and he is kind of venturing into the unknown is just comical how he accepts everything without really questing it too much.

For me episodes 4,5 and 6 have been hilarious, from the bed bouncers, to James marsden throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get a movie role, to the Asian man saying he will give Ronald $2000 because he lost a board game. I'm eagerly awaiting the final 2 episodes and I hope they spend enough time letting Ronald talk after he finds out it was all staged. I'm also really intrigued to see how the show continues if there is a second or third season as i think this has already became super popular among the TikTok crowd, and it's becoming more and more popular each day on Freeve/Amazon prime.

Overall I understand the reviews on IMdB are mixed but I think had a lot of the people giving it a low score watched more of the show and especially made it to episode 3 and beyond I think they would have really enjoyed the comedy and sheer craziness of it all. I think in its own way it's also kind of charming seeing this random guy helping the other people around him and trying to bring certain people out of their shell, even if he's about to find out they've all being acting this entire time. Totally unique and well worth watching. 9/10.
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