Review of Jury Duty

Jury Duty (2023)
If you enjoy cringe comedy, this show is for you
15 April 2023
Great assemblage of actors who play cringey but believable LA folks to perfection. Marsden blows it out of the water playing an at-times exaggerated but yet still plausible version of himself. Ronald is stuck smack-dab in the middle of it all, with hilariously eccentric folks from all walks of life surrounding him, yet he takes it all in stride, whether at times blushing or shrinking down in his chair or being stoic or giggling almost uncontrollably - turns out real life can be hilarious when you're a casual viewer of it sitting on a couch and not mired in the circumstances and people for yourself and constantly wondering just what is possibly going to happen next. Ronald's tension is palpable during the cringiest stuff yet he always somehow remains cool as a cucumber throughout, even when he's blushing, and almost always says the perfect thing in response. One of the best shows I've seen in many years.
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