Class of '07 (2023– )
I Wanted to Like It
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting plot, great cast, beautiful filmography.. what could go wrong? Nearly everything. Episode one was great, but the story progressively devolves & unhinges in every episode. I have trouble believing people 16 years out of high school would collectively embrace this level of abandonment of reason in the face of a natural disaster. I get that it's a comedy, but it also has a heavy dramatic counterpoint, which is actually more interesting than the comedic storyline. Mixed in is a steady dose of cascading self-sabotage, which again, works against the comedy. Also, as with most Australian & UK comedy, there is plenty of vomit for those who find that to be a beloved comedic device. There's even a scene where a woman pukes up her lunch and group of women dive over a dining room table in hopes of getting a spoonful, so as to illustrate how close to starvation they are due to their consistent, comedic self-sabotage. For me, copious amounts of vomit makes it unlikely I'll be highly anticipating season two. It is not a breath of fresh air. It isn't brilliant. It isn't a revolutionary new comedy. It is an anxiety-inducing train wreck that passed up a chance to be all of those things.
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