Rabbit Hole: The Person in Your Ear (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
This episode killed the show for me
14 April 2023
The first episode had promise, but sadly this has settled into a narrative masturbation exercise and eschewed any residual emotional honesty it had. At the beginning there was emotion - his relationship to his partner, trauma of what happened to his dad, panic/anxiety/paranoia. By E04 this has all been wringed out - we're left with clunky 90s style social-engineering (any probabilistic psychology presented as certainty isn't fun or witty - it's massive cringe), absurd character contrivances to forward the story. It's gone from vaguely respecting the audiences intelligence to appearing like a show aimed at teenagers. The exposition dump during the safehouse scenes was incredibly lazy in terms of writing. I've given up.
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