Review of The Peacemaker

Above average!
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Above average! The Peacemaker well compared to todays C G I, woke scripts, messages, and disjointed characters The Peacemaker ages well. Interesting characters, but a run of the mill James Bond story lines. Similar with the renegade Russian general, nuclear weapons, and a count down story; predicable but well made. Solid acting by Clooney, and Kidman, good sets, good supporting acting, and good directing. Well I remember watching The Peacemaker with my wife on a date night, and forgot about the film years latter. Reason I did is there nothing special here, but still a good movie. Years ago, when V H S was still around, Monica asked do you want me to buy it off Columbia house and I said nah; rather watch it on late night. 7 stars solid but run of the mill.
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