The Flintstones (1960–1966)
Boomer Humor at it's worst!
8 April 2023
Blow-hard. Obnoxious. Putz. These are just a few adjectives that accurately describe the protagonist of this sit-"com". The "com" being in quotations because the comedic value of this show is little to none.

The animation is just basic, and that is being kind. Looping backgrounds and characters with their heads on backwards abound. Cavemen? I think not! They are rubber-necks!

Back to the simpleton that is the main character... Fred Flintstone is the personification of all that is wrong with boomers. Loud-mouth, know-it-all and brashly strutting around proudly in his ignorance. With this being the mentality that boomers find so funny and entertaining, is it any wonder the world is in such a poor state today?

One only needs to watch a single episode to see how terrible it is. Jokes don't land, so they need to add a laugh track to point them out. Simply a cover for any imbecile that chooses to watch this drivel.

Would give 0/10 if possible. Do not watch this show or your IQ will be reduced to that of a brontosaurus burger after passing through Fred's colon.
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