A classic revisited
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I need to say before to start the review that i didnt read the book. So i cant really compare both of them. To be honest, i enjoyed it. From what i hear from the director of the movie they took the story, the dialogues as it was in the book but added some stuff and some story that it wasnt in the book. I appreciated it because i still think that if the movie was like the book it will be really boring and uninteresting to see the same thing and add some interest to see it. I enjoyed to see Eva Green, Louis Garrel and Vincent Cassel that i find the performance quite different and interesting to be honest. We see them in other ways that we were used to see them. I enjoyed the story: it have some revelation, surprises, dramatic, love, comedy moments that i really enjoyed and find it interesting to see. It was the part 1 and the end let us want to know what will happen next: about D'Artagnan? Constance(what she saw? And who she saw that we couldnt see?). The fights sequences was quite interesting and the long sequences that we have without a cut reinforced the immersion to live in real time what the characters go trough. I find Eva Green beautiful to be honest and was pretty sensual and good looking on screen. Im waiting for part 2 to see more and im pretty impatient to see that soon.
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