Review of Pachinko

Pachinko (2022– )
Great acting and story telling - diminished by jumping about in time
5 April 2023
I have seen in a number of other reviews that the original book on which this series is based tells the story in linear fashion. I am very much enjoying this series, but it is certainly spoiled by the modern trend of jumping about in time. It loses its flow and causes confusion as a consequence of this chip chop storytelling.

A little bit of jumping about in time can work quite well. But here I am afraid they have made a hash of it and have overdone it.

I ask filmmakers to worry less about being on trend and just have the courage to tell a story chronologically.

That said, the cinematography is wonderful, the acting is fabulous and enormously engaging and this is a great story so far (I am about five episodes in). They have also chosen very good locations for the filming, including some striking dockside scenes filmed in Canada.

In keeping with other reviewers, I also really like the introduction.
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