Resident Evil 4 (2023 Video Game)
This is from a noob
4 April 2023
So, I've been playing the RE games since RE 7 came out and loved it. I played it first since it was its own stand alone game that tied in to the franchise but didn't require me to play anything before. So needless to say I haven't really played the originals. I did attempt them, but they weren't my thing. I played the RE remakes 2 and 3 as well. About a year before it was released it was getting a remake, I bought RE4 for my switch, but I didn't get very far because the controls were... horrendous on the switch. So I said "eh, they're probably gonna remake 4 soon anyways. Anyways. Finally the day came the remake was released. Gotta say, I loved every thing about this remake. I didn't run in to any glitches or anything on my first play through which is rare, especially when it comes to new releases. This was probably by far one of the best remakes I've ever played, and one of the best videos games I've ever played. In my opinion? This is by far game of the year for me. Fan of the original? New to the franchise? Need time to kill? PLAY IT! You won't be disappointed!
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