Review of The Bounty

Star Trek: Picard: The Bounty (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Listen, sure this season is alright in many regards - but all these 10/10 ratings? Really? Especially this episode left a lot to be desired. Brought to you by Christopher Monfette, who got the "written by" credit for the season 2 finale.

I'll start with the biggest offender: meaningless fan service. Showing the Defiant or some monster tribble really detracts from the episode. These are not easter eggs - because they are not hidden but center frame accompanied by a musical sting. Don't they have enough story for 10 episodes so they have to produce filler? Please stop with that or weave it into the episode in meaningful ways. Or is Star Trek just a collection of things we know now? Should we clap like idiots for every reference or fanfare?

The whole Daystrom story is preposterous, the only security (for the Federations most dangerous tech??) is a defunct AI with personality disorder and the security measure consists of a raven flying around and a holographic Sherlock Holmes villain shooting bullets from an ancient revolver?????

And to deactivate you have to whistle an old tune that nobody knows except Riker and Data?

One has to wonder if Section 31 personnel are walking around whistling alle the time.

It's so dark on that station, the viewer might be confused, because from the outside, at Daystrom station every window is lit. Every. Single. One.

This universe seems very small, also. Everybody knows everybody and everywhere is deserted: Daystrom station, the fleet museum and distances don't matter. Vadic jumps in what I estimate to be a day or so to Nepenthe, kidnaps Deana Troi and back.

Why would a changeling morph into a chain-smoking, leather coat wearing villain with a bad oily hairstyle, symmetrical face scars and bad teeth? If you bring all the nostalgia in, why not the fact that Changelings HATE solids. Why would they smoke and impersonate a cartoon villain 24/7 on their own ship?

Is all Starfleet corrupted? I mean there isn't a resistance somewhere? Are there ships without changelings on board?

But one of the biggest head scratchers is Berverly. The doctor never scanned her son for genetic illnesses???? Given his fathers medical history, one would assume that this is standard procedure in the late 24th century.

Very strange and clunky.

Stealing the Cloaking Device really went too easily. I mean they steal it off-camera without alarms going off and no chief engineer of the Titan (is there such a person even?) that asks what the hell is going on?

It seems like a TOS-era movie with the TNG cast. It meshes just so-so inn my opinion. Is it the same problem as with the ENTERPRISE finale?

And please get on with Jack's visions! Stop dragging this out. It's not believable that he doesn't tell anyone - not even his mother??

Other than that, it's still way better than the train wreck that was season 2.
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