Leave this Movie Behind
3 April 2023
As the movie opens we are told that six months ago millions of people all over the world have vanished without a trace leaving behind many love ones with no answers to where they have gone or taken. Where are all the missing people? The news media has debunked the possibility that this was the "Rapture" of the church.

We are also Told that the entire world seems to fallen into total chaos. Crime is rampant and there is a surge in violence and suicides.

Then a leader appears. He is Nicolae, a charismatic leader of the United Nations. Nicolae seems to have all the answers to the world's problem that will bring them out of total confusion and disorder. He will form a new world order.

I really struggled to watch this movie. Not only was it so slow but the movie spent so much time telling me what is happening instead of showing me. And I really wanted to see the rapture!

The film is directed and stars Kevin Sorbo and Neil McDonald and I really wanted to like this movie, but it is very badly made. It looks and feels very low budget. Also some of the characters are just random.. who are they? Where do they come from? Buck, the news reporter is just totally unconvincing, a bit aggravating, and quite annoying at times.

The entire movie is just really disappointing. Maybe I should just read the books.
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