What an impressive representation of our acopalyptic world
3 April 2023
My review will be the first - how odd. As this movie has been out in Hungarian cinemas. I hope many many people will go and watch this story.

First of all, the technique it was drawn with is impressive. I was lucky enough to meet the two creators/directors and they described the tremendous work this movie required. If the genre of animation is not your jam don't be distracted - it is real acting by real actors, then drawn on the pictures by hand, so all the movements of the face, reactions, wrinkles feel real. This work has been under production for 8 years.

The story is pretty engaging. Set in the far future (2123) in Budapest and Hungary, we get to know a world without life except for a very few people who could survive, but for that they must pay a big price... I was very much busy with the visuals (lovely long scenes of natural images of the storms/streams of water/buildings). For me the center story - the love story - is actually less engaging than the social and ecological part of the movie. It is becoming more and more realistic as the time passes by, our beloved Earth is slowly giving in and will become as hostile to us as we are treating our home.

This movie should be on the must-watch list of everyone, and especially those who love science fiction and dystopian TV show and movies. Also anyone who is concerned about how to adapt to our near future apocalyptic world. It is a bit of Avatar meet Death, love, robots meet Blade runner.

I hope they will recieve the appratiation they deserve... I took off a star only because of some minor issues I had in the representation and logic in the story.
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