A strange and unattractive film about a strange and unattractive man committing a strange and unattractive act
2 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A glaring error in a violent scene makes this movie hard to get into. Its stark and cold, but not much else. Pretty fricking bad to say the least. I highly recommend not watching it. This is one of those films where the pace is deliberately kept slow so as to stake it's claim as "artistic." In fact, it's just dull. I was hoping to learn something about Polish criminal procedure, but the film skips the trial entirely. It's basically just an anti-death penalty polemic. I fail to make that connection. There was some trouble with developing or transfer, many of the frames are incredibly dark on one or two sides. Interesting look at the Polish death penalty, unlike the movie, they really didn't waste much time.
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