Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
Funny, smart, weird, wonderful.
1 April 2023
Stede Bonnet leaves behind a life of property and luxury for a life on The Open Sea, a life of Piracy, his world is thrown upside down when he encounters the infamous Blackbeard.

It may take an episode or two for you to get it, and work out what's happening, but if you're unsure early on, I urge you to stick with it, it really is the most magical show. It's funny and weird in equal measure, the humour comes from the absurdity of it.

It's a show the family would enjoy, admittedly a family that has a chilled out attitude when it comes to bad language that is.

It defies every single pre conceived stereotype of what many think of when they think of pirates, if you don't think it'll happen, expect to see it here.

The characters are all magical, aside from the main players, the laughs will keep coming from Izzy Hands, The Swede, Buttons, they're a wonderful, amusing bunch.

Rhys Darby is an absolute joy as The Gentleman Pirate, he is equally matched by Taika Waititi, I could watch him in anything, the pair are phenomenal.

I'm counting down for the start of Series 2.

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