Heart of the Matter (2022 TV Movie)
Infuriating, frustrating, stupid and long
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise was idiotic. In what world would something like this happen??! I don't know if a person who is visibly mentally challenged can get a driver's licence and what the criteria are. I don't mean to be insensitive but how can somebody have a license, who can't discern when it's OK to get behind the wheel and when it's not?! Such a person would be dangerous.

I can't imagine a cardiologist to be so naive and immature. It is a tough job and you can't afford to be so easily perturbed and do stupid things as a result. She is bound to lose patients throughout her career. Is she going to stop working and go into solitary every time? Is she going to track down the family to apologise?

The sick guy does have the intelligence to ask if he can walk but doesn't ask if he can drive, doesn't even mention it?!

The mother talks to her son when he gets sick, realises that this might be serious but doesn't think of telling him to get an ambulance and make sure he doesn't drive. She does know that he has a license. She knows more about the way he thinks, right? But no, why do that when she can blame the doctor for assuming that the patient isn't driving, for not knowing the criteria for a driver's licence and for not asking the guy if he has a license. Really?!

All these are examples of how far fetched this is.

Additionally, the lead actresses are whiny and unpleasant. The characters they played were unrealistic. The story and dialogue made me cringe and wish it was over, because you can see where it is going. I skipped through it to see if there were any surprising turns and it was still too long.

Don't waste your time.
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