Review of RRR

RRR (2022)
Wild & Alive
1 April 2023
This epic tale of two great superwarriors locked in both friendship and battle is a highly original, and very unexpected film. It's also, simply put, absolutely wild. And for that vividness alone, I think it's a must-see. I laughed, I cried rivers, but mostly I was bouncing off the walls.

Total honesty, I found this long film is not an easy watch, and I looked at it in chunks, pausing sometimes for several days. The movie doesn't just mix genres, but basically throws everything together in a blender at full speed. It's is both too much ánd blends well. There's action, comedy, horrible slaughter, rom-com, genius off-the-rails dance scenes, and plenty more. That too makes it already worthwile.

But it's the relationship between our two friends Bheem and Rama, put at odds by horrific colonial Englismen, that nails it. In essence, it's a love story on friendship, with two great guys trying to find a way out of trouble they didn't start: colonialism. And trouble it is, from heaps of soldiers fighting, to exploding bridges, to wild animals feasting and an imperial palace broken down... and that's just a taste.

Quick fire on the rest: visual effects are sometimes good, but also a mixed bag, length is too long, the music is awesome, dialogue clichéd but fitting, not all characters are fleshed out enough, consistency is shaky but not really a problem with so much going on, the stunts are excellent and editing is topclass. Oh and the dancing... the singing...

Ultimately, it attacks colonialism as much as it attacks your senses: in a very, very good, often bizarre way. And all the twists and turns between our two frenemies are unexpected and cool. So, go for it, but make sure the bag of popcorn is bigger than usual, 'cause this is a long and wild ride.

You're gonna need it.
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