1 April 2023
Writing reviews on films that already have hundreds written about them is, usually, a pointless and futile endeavour. There is, however, a feeling that, when it comes to The Kelly Gang, a fair amount of confusion with regard to the quality of this work.

The whole point of IMDb is to, or at least is supposed to, be democratic in the sense; everybody has "one say" and everybody has a right to their opinion. The much too commonly used "don't listen to the negative/positive reviews" is not only a paradox, it is also counterproductive and against the whole IMDb concept.

There is however an inherent problem with the, simple, presentation of an average score for a film. Without the knowledge of standard deviation we don't know if "a 6,5" is "a load of fives and sixes" or "a load of ones, twos, nines and tens". This shortcoming becomes particularly obvious when it comes to The Kelly Gang.

The film, obviously and apparently, has stirred up a lot of negative; emotions and opinions - all valid if written in earnest. So for once the, usually presumptuous statement, "you will eather love it or hate it" may come into play here.

So what to recommend? This is arguably absolute top tier moviemaking and quite a few viewers are likely to appreciate it as such. It is apparently, also arguably, offensive rubbish. Being a firm believer of the former and not quite understanding the latter - the recommendation is that this is a "must see".

Not wanting to dish out poor advice, the recommendation will come with a caveat; if you are not happy with what you are seeing after 20 minutes - stop watching - there is no point getting upset over a fictional movie, or even wasting your time. You not only have a right to your opinion - it is appreciated and exactly what IMDb is supposed to convey.

For those of us who enjoy; novel ways of storytelling, a quirky approach, risk taking and pushing the envelope - Justin Kurzel's work is a rare treat, so rare that is borderline excellence.
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