The Empty Man (2020)
The beginning was awesome
1 April 2023
I'm mainly giving this 5/10 Because of how good the start was, It would be lower if not for the amazing start. The rest of the movie wasn't my cup of tea. My favorite actor/actress in this movie was Marin Ireland, Her nuanced portrayal of her character's struggles and fears is captivating, and her performance is a standout in the movie. "The Empty Man" starts off with a bang, drawing viewers in with a tense and captivating opening sequence. The first 20 minutes are a masterclass in horror filmmaking, with great cinematography and a haunting score that sets the mood perfectly. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie fails to live up to the promise of its beginning. The plot becomes muddled and convoluted, with too many twists and turns that fail to come together cohesively. While the movie raises some intriguing philosophical ideas, it never fully explores them, leaving the audience feeling unsatisfied. Despite its flaws, "The Empty Man" has some standout moments, particularly in its impressive visual effects and creative world-building.
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