The Night Agent (2023– )
Good enough to keep me watching
29 March 2023
It is a preposterous, yet interesting storyline. I enjoyed the twists and turns and most of the lead characters are good. I did not care for a couple others though. I think this could have been at least 1/3 shorter than it was A little writing could have been tightened up and some fluff removed. Decent job tying it all together at the end.

I can't take recommend it but I won't say don't watch it either.

I don't know why we need 600 characters for reviews. Is there no value in brevity? Is 600 the limit where IMDb thinks people won't post nonsense, but just give up? Politicians can set the world on fire with 280 characters but I need 600 to convey my opinion of The Night Agent? Weird.
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