Great finish to a memorable story arc
27 March 2023
Starfleet attempts to retake DS9, whilst Dukat is confident of a Dominion victory.

This is a very strong episode with great spectacle and character moments.

For me this is a good as Star Trek gets at action-adventure stories and it is very exciting to watch events unfold. It wisely uses multiple plot-threads that mixes the action between several areas on Terok Nor and in the space battle.

Several characters have scenes to remember such as Sisko, Dukat, Ziyal, Damar, Odo, Quark, Rom, Kira, and Worf. There is little more detail I can explain without spoiling, but have to say that Marc Alaimo gives one of his best performances.

There are some contrivances within the plot to make certain things happen, but if you apply the right amount of suspension of disbelief they should not be a major problem.

It includes some of the best Star Trek visuals of all time. The space battle scenes are up there with movie level sci-fi productions and it holds up pretty well in modern viewing.
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