Best in italian
27 March 2023
As with many films, translations and dubbed versions are a big problem when seeing them. I had the opportunity to see this film in Italian, first as Amazon in Germany only offers it in Italian and second I speak it fluently.

Bad reviews lament on the bad acting. In the original language there is no bad acting. So it might be that the dubbing ruined some of the experience.

I personally had a lot of fun watching this film. First of all because with Valeria Golino one of my childhood stars was in the film. At the time I saw her for the first time in Rain Man I had no idea she was an italian actor. It was with "Il ragazzo invisibile" that I realised it.

The acting was rather good, considering that it was the first acting job of Ludovico Girardello (the invisible boy) and Noa Zatta (his love interest). Ludovico is likeable as it is possible to connect with his fears and trauma being bullied. Being able to disappear into thin air fits his personality at the beginning of the movie and makes the transition to a stronger self towards the end believable. He has a character-arc which so many teenagers have, just in a shorter time.

The origin of the Specials is an interesting and not more or less credible than any other superhero-take.

Considering the low budget the certainly had, the special effects are good, the scenes are nicely filmed and the low budget is never visible.

Overall a good european production. It's a shame it was only in cinemas in Italy. I would love to see how it would have performed with a dubbed version in Germany. There is a sequel which I am hopefully able to see soon.
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