Review of The Lost King

The Lost King (2022)
Will the real Richard III please stand up?
26 March 2023
Years ago I read Josephine Tey's fine book The Daughter of Time and was blown away by what it had to say. Shakespeare's Richard III is a vivid and effective drama and just about all that most people have heard about this short-lived king, but historically it's almost as far as you can get from the truth. This 'monster' version of Richard was a hatchet job by Henry Tudor (Henry VII), who killed and deposed him and then made sure to blacken his memory. The reality is that Richard was a forward-thinking and pretty benevolent ruler in an unfortunately violent time. Historians have known this for quite a while, but what was not known was what happened to his remains.

So The Lost King is all about that latter mystery and the persistence of writer and amateur historian Philippa Langley leading to the discovery of Richard III's remains under a Leicester parking lot. The main drama consists of the many obstacles she dealt with, as well as the post-discovery attempts by The Authorities to sideline her and hog the credit. It's all very watchable and engaging. Sally Hawkins is predictably excellent as Philiipa, and Steve Coogan (who was also a co-producer and guiding force behind the production) and Mark Addy have nice supporting roles. In a somewhat surreal and unexpected touch, Harry Lloyd plays Richard's ghost, whom Philippa finds she can converse with. All in all, worth seeing!

And -- it's kind of hard to blame Shakespeare. His job was to create great theater, and it would have been more than dangerous for him to put anything on stage that was critical of Queen Elizabeth's grandfather (Henry VII himself).
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