Sugar Highs (2022– )
26 March 2023
This short, 6-eipsode series shows an unusual look into the lives of 3 roommates sharing a flat in an unnamed city. We have 1 gay, 1 bi and 1 straight main character.

The straight boy, Tad's storyline was by far the most compelling aspect of the series. The actor playing him is charismatic, and it was interesting to see how shy he was and how he slowly opened up to Benny, a person who actually showed patience, kindness and a genuine interest in him.

Bud (the dancer guy) was a bit too selfish and too much of a self-centered user of other people to really be likeable. He was the character to get the most screen time which was not the best choice from the creative team, but it is what it is.

Mickey's moral dilemma was a big tiring to watch in the first 3 episodes, and we didn't really get to know his character well enough to be able to really properly root for him, but once his storyline got started in the second half of the series, he was an entertaining part of the mix.

Overall, Sugar High is a very good show to watch due to it's fresh attitudes towards male-on-male sex work and unique subject matter. There are a couple of genuinely touching moments and it doesn't require a big time investment as the whole thing is only 6 20 minute episodes.
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