Dear Edward: Stuff (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Dear Edward touches emotions that we don't normal feel
24 March 2023
Dear Edward's latest episode taps into more of that This Is Us energy, this time with the different characters coming to terms with what's happened and trying to plug the gaping holes in their lives with some semblance of reality. It's now clear that DeeDee's husband was probably gay, explaining the condo out in LA and the work for the LGBTQ+ foundation, while Eddie and Lacey start to work through their issues together in the form of Eddie learning to work with metal. This storyline is probably the strongest of the whole bunch, although there's also some great stuff with this Ariana/Kojo/Becks story too. That specific line with Becks talking about how she wishes her mum had survived was absolutely gut-wrenching and a definite stand out moment for this drama so far. While the ending is a bit abrupt, that's a minor point in what's otherwise another very good episode. Episode 3 of Dear Edward starts with Eddie waking up in Shay's room and heading back to Lacey's. As he starts another day, so too does Adriana (who practices her speech for running for Congress) and DeeDee (she's flying over to LA). In LA, DeeDee heads out to visit this condo, while Linda visits Gary's parents where she learns that he never actually spoke to them about her. That's a problem given she's pregnant with Gary's baby. They want her to stay with them and offer financial support but she vehemently declines, not wanting anything. Eddie speaks to Shay about the shrunken head he received from the mystery girl. Shay is dead-set on solving this mystery and finding out who the girl is, and that includes heading out to a Museum of Oddities, which happens to be right in the heart of Manhattan. The pair get a bus alone together. Adriana is nervous ahead of potentially running for office, and she needs 1300 signatures by the end of the week to get on the ballot. So far she only has 42. Adriana is flustered and she despairs to Kojo, who is going through issues of his own. He needs to wait 6-8 weeks before getting passports to head out to Ghana to see his brother. For the time being though, Kojo agrees to help with Adriana's toilet and get her campaign on track. Linda has nowhere else to go so she rings DeeDee and asks to come see her. Eventually she concedes, although DeeDee does notice a photo of Charles looking lovingly at another man, which could be a hint to what's happening here. Lacey finally catches up with Eddie (he prefers Edward though) and bemoans her nephew for heading into Manhattan without telling anyone. Realizing the kid needs an outlet, Lacey eventually decides to let him work with metal, something she earlier forbade in the episode.
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