Review of 18 Pages

18 Pages (2022)
Above Average Writing, Below Average Execution
24 March 2023
When you see names like Sukumar and Allu Aravind associated with a film you expect atleast an above average product. I watched this movie on Netflix getting drawn by the ratings it had received. But it was a big let down right from the word go. The movie is just average in content but what lets it down is its hopeless execution. The overboard acting (especially by the hero's friend in her irritating dialect), silly and non-connecting characterizations are a big put off. The first half just goes on the preachy and filmsy mode. It gets a bit interesting post-interval but soon the director and writer spoil it by silly characterizations of the negative characters( at the end you get confused if they are negative or comedy characters). Apart from badly written/executed scenes, the average music, camerawork, sound, make up and technical aspects( voice dubbing is pathetic, sounds like a dubbing movie than a straight one) also fails to impress. It feels as if you are watching atleast a decade or two decade old movie. The film takes the love angle in the first half and kind of thriller in the second half but loses steam in the proceedings. The only saving grace in the film is a few scenes in the second half and the climax. Watch it if you have nothing better.

A One Time Watch.
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