Review of The Bounty

Star Trek: Picard: The Bounty (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
For a uSecond I thought Odo would appear...
24 March 2023
...In some form, obviously not as Rene Aberjonois...

The senior, senior Trekker writes. Or in this case, dictates. Which is why I always have to come back and correct the typos...

This episode has surprise upon surprise, reversal upon reversal, it's another "Trek of all Treks".

I admit that some of the other seasons of this show, and some of the other shows may have had stories that were not as good as this. The original series had episodes like Spocks Brain. And the issues with that episode were issues due to the lack of money to make the production as well as it would have been made in the first season of TOS. But as with all Trek stories, there is a very good premise at the bottom of even that episode- what would happen if men and women were totally alienated from each other? Would our world look like that world?

And I think people get too hung up on issues of production and completely miss the social commentary, which is there in each episode. And this is how the show has been from the beginning, it has not changed for any of the movies or newer shows, and it has not changed for all three seasons of Picard.

Because there are things that we all need to talk about and we get uncomfortable when these things are brought out in the open, especially in an episode of a Star Trek show.

It just does not matter to me as I love Star Trek, whatever form it takes: from the very first pilot episode, through all of the movies, including Star Trek V, all the television shows from the 80s and 90s and early 2000s, and most of the fan made shows like Star Trek Continues, and The other fan films, like Of Gods and Men and Star Trek Renegades both directed by Tim Russ. There was even a fan made show that had a lot of episodes that followed a ship called the Excelsior through the Briar patch, where they battled aliens that looked like some of the "first ones" from Babylon five (aka, they flew ships that looked like buckets). I think it was called Hidden Frontier, many of the episodes are on YouTube. I even enjoy the idea of a mycelial spore drive, and a saucer section that spins around, like a coin dancing on a table.

Regardless of what form the shows take or what they are about I have found that most of them follow Gene Roddenberry's formula on what makes Star Trek, Trek.

I have found this season of this show to be particularly endearing as it brings back beloved characters, even if we get to see them for only a short time.

In the week since the previous episode, my mind went through cogitations to see if I could figure out what was going to happen, and happily, I was wrong with every assumption and every prediction that I made.

Because what is better than to be totally and completely taken off guard, to be surprised, to have the unexpected completely tossed at your face?

As Thomas Ryker told Kira Neres, "expect the unexpected".

And this is what we have right here, right now.

This is a Strange New World of a type that we never even imagined would be talked about.

There are some things between the shape shifter that Amanda Plummer is portraying and "Jack Crusher" - there is some commonality between the two. What is it? And we still have the branches "spreading, connecting". I have asked before, is it the crystalline entity? Is it Armus? I don't know, we just have to let the story tell itself.

But what surprises me here the most is the Changlings Choice of ultimate weapon. And that is the only hint of any type that you are going to get out of me. And, oh yes... Geordies Kids names, sound familiar?
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