Cowardly, complacent and sad
23 March 2023
The story is trite and formulaic, relying on tired tropes and cliches to evoke a sense of emotional pathos. The characters are underdeveloped and lacking in any real depth or complexity, reducing the issue of homelessness to a simplistic and reductive portrayal.

It is a tragedy that this film is helmed by a female director, for it is clear that she lacks the creative ability and skill necessary to truly bring this story to life. Her direction is clumsy and uninspired, with no clear sense of purpose or vision. The camera work is amateurish and the editing haphazard, creating a disjointed and unsatisfying viewing experience.

What is most disappointing about this film is its missed opportunity to truly confront the systemic issues that lead to homelessness in our society. Instead of challenging the audience to grapple with the complex questions that surround this issue, the film offers nothing but platitudes and empty gestures. It is a work of cowardice and complacency, lacking the intellectual depth and moral courage necessary to truly engage with the world around us.

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